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XINTAIMING GROUP Turkish Manufacturers Companies Çin Turkey

Adress: M03 No.102 China South City, Pinghu Town Shenhzen City, China Fax: +86 755 28150872


Xin Tai Ming (Hong Kong)Group Co LTD, is becoming known as one of the leader in professional manufacturing of XTM-Pro Series Hydraulic and Pneumatic Presses.  These presses up 500 Ton Capacity and can be equipped with a turnkey automation system.


Our company mission is to provide a variety of high quality, yet low cost presses, which will provide our clients with both reliability and good value.  These presses are applicable to a myriad of industries and with numerous capabilities they will provide your company with years of excellent production.  Furthermore, our presses can be customized to fit your specific needs and specifications.


Featuring the latest in hydraulic and control technologies and backed by 20 years of worldwide manufacturing expertise, the XTM machinery will become a profitable, seamless and trouble free addition to your manufacturing environment.


Our new production facility in China  (built in 2000 using Japanese and Taiwanese technologies) and soon to be certified ISO 9001 is run with quality and efficiency in mind.   Our engineers demand high quality, safety and excellent features and for this reason, soon XTM is becoming an International leader in hydraulic presses.


Low maintenance, customer and distributor support are immensely important to us. As a c


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