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WISH CHEMICAL GROUP Turkish Manufacturers Companies Çin Turkey

Adress: NO 3,Bio-Industrial Park Industrial Boulevard Chengguan Town Yueyang County Hunan Province China Fax: 086707606277


Wish Chemicals (Yueyang) Co., Ltd. was located in Bio-industrial Park in Yueyang county Hunan Province. The year of 2011 entreprise investment of 20,000,000 CYN in building the alumina powder production line in Hunan Fine Chemical Industrial Park in Yueyang City.

The company has a group of technicians of which one of them is ph. D and three of them are high-ranking researchers. What’s more, it has established wide cooperation with well-known domestic catalysts research institutions & universities. At present, we have developed a series of types of zeolite, alumina powder and pseudo-boehmite used in FCC catalysts, hydrogenation catalysts and other chemical catalysts.

Our products range alumina powder, specialty pseudoboehmite, Beta zeolite, ZSM-5 zeolite and Y-type zeolite including NaY zeolite, HY zeolite, USY zeolite, REY zeolite and REUSY zeolite. The annual production capacity of alumina powder is 5,000 Metric Tons and specialty pseudo-boemite is 1,000 Metric Tons. The company manufactures more that 10,000 Metric Tons zeolite annually, including 200 Metric Tons Beta zeolite, 1,000 Metric Tons ZSM-5 zeolite and 9,000 Metric Tons Y-type zeolite.

With the efforts made in the past years, we have expanded the business to India, USA, Kuwait, Iran, Switzerland, Malaysia, Canada, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Russia and so on. The company is now a supplier to global refinery catalysts manufacturers.
We are devoted to technology development; survive relying on quality and credit. We are always providing high-quality products and best services for all customers.


  • alumina powder
  • fcc catalysts
  • molecular sieves
  • zeolite

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