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Vetlife Licking Blocks & Premixes Ltd. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Turkey

Vetlife Licking Blocks & Premixes Ltd. Company Profile

Vetlife Licking Block and Feed Additives LTD was established in 2007 in Gaziantep.

The idea that "Farms using the products more or less than the need will create economic loss"

has been accepted as the working principle by our company.

The purpose of our business is to produce the best premix and licking blocks of the world by creating the most accurate and complete

salt, mineral and vitamin combination of our products.

Our mission is to contribute to the livestock sector on the world by making these products suitable for the needs,

very high quality, economical and transporting them to every small or large regions and farms.

Our vision is to develop existing products in the market and to offer non-existent products to our diversity.

Vetlife Licking Feed and Feed Additives LTD, which progresses on this road and exports its products to 22 countries,

is growing day by day especially with the demand and support of veterinarians and continues to serve in line with its purpose.

Vetlife Licking Blocks & Premixes Ltd. Products

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