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VENATTO MOBILYA Turkish Manufacturers Companies Toprakkale Turkey

Adress: Kumarlı Mah. Hastane Cad. No: 1 D-400 Karayolu Üzeri, Toprakkale, Osmaniye, Turkey


Our Company found in 1992, Mehmet and Sedat brothers entrepreneurial spirit and as a sole proprietorship furniture manufacturing start, our company in 2007 Gulerset Furniture Durable Consumer Goods Industry Trade Marketing Limited Company with the family business has become. In 2011, Gulerset Venatto brand by registering their products under this name has been released.

Our company, Osmaniye D-400 highway over 10,000 m² covered area of 60 workers with our production we made furniture products, we use high quality raw materials and semi-range of our country's leading brands is between quality without compromising the aesthetic and modern look with the ease of use requirements with consumer preferences to adopt and make our lives easier functional with models of both domestic and overseas markets have been preferable.


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