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TERMOFLEX CO. LTD. Turkish Manufacturers Companies İstanbul Turkey

Adress: TURKEY UKRAINA RUSSIA MOLDOVA Fax: +380638367359

TERMOFLEX CO. LTD. Company Profile

**Our Vision
As being the leader marketing/sales/distribution channel in insulation sector; our vision is to have our leadership position on insulation materials permanent by growing with firm steps forward, to prolong our success by creating differences and permanent values.

**Our Mission
Termoflex’s core business is marketing, sales and distribution of insulation materials. While Himerpa is improving its success on its core business, correspondingly will be increasing its contribution to energy and source saving country wide, life comfort conditions enhancement of our people, protection of natural environment. Himerpa with this consciousness, on the topics of thermal insulation, waterproofing, noise reduction and fire protection, constantly follows the developments, informs and serves the right solutions and high in quality materials to its customers, works more with the proud of its trading facilities contribution to country benefits and environment protection.


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