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SHENZHEN DONGLIANG ELECTRONICS Turkish Manufacturers Companies Çin Turkey

Adress: 3nd floor,A building,Anzhilong Industrial Park,Qinglan Load,Qinghu Village,Longhua District,Shenzhen,China Fax: 86 0755 29458028


Since its inception in 2005, shenzhen dongliang electronic technology co.,LTD, have professional commitment to high-quality light-emitting diode (LED) R & D, manufacturing, application, its ultra-bright full-color series, high-power multi-standard LED products, including full-color display, landscape lighting , traffic signals and information display three areas would be the perfect balance between performance and price of LED products to every corner of the world in the world of sales has been extended to nearly 50 countries and regions.


       Is located in Shenzhen Baoan gold peak Industrial Park, has 3,000 square meters super-clean, anti-static plant, consisting of high-end talent of professional R & eD team, the international most advanced full set of solid crystal, wire, sealing glue, Separation and Spectrophotometric automatic test equipment, instruments, etc.; in optoelectronic industry, has accumulated nearly a decade of experience. Is a leading professional, international, high-quality LED manufacturer, but also the Asia-Pacific region and international markets, the influential manufacturers.

       As one of the LED industry's leading manufacturers, Dong-liang electronics with its competitive price, to the success of many enterprises to provide superior reliability, product line, its stability, ESD indicators, attenuation range, consistency, with excellent light curves.

       The company "quality-oriented", "training base", "excellence", "customer satisfaction" business purpose, high-quality products, reasonable price, perfect quality control, satisfactory after-sales service and actively cooperate with customers to develop new products.


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