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SELAY TOYS Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: M.Akif Ersoy Mah.Yildiz Cad.No:1 Tasoluk Arnavutkoy, Turkey Fax: +90 212 682 07 18

SELAY TOYS Company Profile

Our company was established in 1992.In 1997 Selay Toys, Gifts Manufacturing Marketing Industry and Trade. Ltd. is registered under the name brand .. Our company has an area of 10,000 square meters factory which is manufacturing its own .Our customers abroad and domestic large supermarket chains ,dealers commonly
across our country, there are wholesale and retail companies…

Our Mission:
In our industry, according to a well­known fact that our brand and reliable quality products to prepare and timely service to our customers is our priority ..
Our company products that addressed the age group taking care of the products manufactured in accordance with European quality standards in the toy industry with well­known position , target to adopted more higher positions….

Our Vission:
Our standard of production is always to make high­quality, robust and reliable products and our brand well­known in the industry to consolidate our position In domestic and overseas markets to make our brand more known plush toy industry has become a global brand.


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