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PVC WINDOW ACCESSORIES Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Habibler Demirci Caddesi No:28/A Sultangazi Istanbul-Turkey


is a Turkish plastic company that has been manufacturing final plastic products for 16years especially such as grilles in different varieties for baths and toilets and fly secreens with their montage accessories for windows.Also we started to produce the most of the door and window accessories since 2000, not only producing but we can supply our clients with every kind of pvc accessories that we dont produce thank to our multi languaged staff.

We are proud to be in the first place especially in grille and pvc accessories sector in Turkey, by using the latest technologies in our modern plants, with the help of our supervisors and employees who have made it a principle to be honest, accurate and hardworking. Customer satisfaction and quality are our first priorities. We would be very happy if we can start a long term business relation with our clients in the principle of win-win framework.


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