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MEGO FURNITURE Turkish Manufacturers Companies Bursa Turkey

Adress: Tandoğan Cad. Küçük Sanayi Sitesi 26. Sok. No:6/D Fax: +902247222212

MEGO FURNITURE Company Profile

Being established By Mehmet Goknar in 1979, Following a reorganization in 2011, we carried our master-hands line to the furniture and accessories field, under the brand name of “MEGO”. Having many customers in and outside the country, our company is taking firm steps to be a world mark.
Since the day we were founded, we have provided service with our unusually durable, superior and functional products.By combining our detail-oriented perspective with technology and hand-workmanship, we new designs in furniture and accessories field.
By giving priority to customer satisfaction and specific needs, our professional team gives a magic touch to our customers’ houses, offering customer-driven special designs.
Easing our customers’ lives with our core values of innovativeness, functionality and comfort of use, and making our products a must for their living spaces.
Achieving a long term success and customer satisfaction, by adhering to our core values.
To a sustainable value for our customers, we integrate our core values and principles into our products and operate in an ethical and responsible way as a strong and reliable mark.


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