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MEDBAR TIBBI MALZEME LTD. STI. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: 1142/2 Sokak No:3 Sarnıç Gaziemir İzmir, Turkey Fax: +90 232 281 66 48


Medbar researches, develops, designs and produces high quality medical disposable supplies. With 35+ years of experience, Medbar offers innovative, complementary and economic solutions to the market.

Our founder Umit Omer Baran began to improve infrastructure for the disposable medical supplies production in 1979. In 1984, Iztipsan was founded as a family company in Karabaglar by Umit Omer Baran. With 25 employees, company pioneered in disposable medical products production of any material which has not manufactured in Turkey before. Iztipsan has managed to be the first manufacturer of disposable medical supplies such as Eye Band, Microscope Drape and Camera Drape in Turkey and one of the few manufacturers in the world. After turned to a multi-partnership in 1998, because of the other partners not being industrial origin, Umit Omer Baran has resigned from the company partnership in 1999. Then increase in disposable medical supplies market was observed and with the thought of infection control will come to the fore, strategies have been created to re-enter the market.

Medbar Tibbi Malzemeler Ltd. Sti. started its activities on March 2006 in Sarnic, Izmir.

Medbar with 300 m2 closed area, 5 workers and 27 years of experience, had a small but fast entrance into sector. With the rapid increase of domestic sales, exports beginning in 2008 and ongoing increase, the need was felt to increase capacity.

As of today with 150 employees Medbar supplies its products which are produced in 10,000 m2 closed area to the market in 6 continents and 72 countries. With the importance given to R & D, Medbar is increasing the number of products continuously and keep growing rapidly. Medbar has signed strategic partnership agreements with 2 out of the 5 world's largest healthcare companies.
With the quality minded employees, we aim to be a brand that is followed and sought.

Our human resources, our experience, our perfectionism and our entrepreneurial spirit are the most important assets we have.


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