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M-Technic Turkish Manufacturers Companies Tuzla Turkey

Adress: Evora İstanbul E5-41 Aydıntepe – Tuzla / İSTANBUL

M-Technic Company Profile

The driving force behind M-Technic is the desire to make our business better. M-Technic was established in 2019, founded by Murat Celikler. He has 11 years of experience in the field of energy and construction and combine his profession with youth and dynamism.

Our main principle is to offer the best products, customer experience and after-sales services. Our goal is to be better at everything we do.

To provide the best in class, we provide the most appropriate solutions by taking advantage of our knowledge and experience in the sector.

We provide the sales of products like converters, heat flow meters, heat cost allocators, hot and cold water meters, necessary for the heat cost distribution system, and along with this the necessary technical support for the correct and complete installation of the cost distribution system.

Reading and service sharing is provided to buildings (with M-Bus protocol), installed by our heat coast distribution system Osos®

M-Technic Products

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