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jiangyin feiyu polyester &plastic co.,ltd Turkish Manufacturers Companies Turkey

jiangyin feiyu polyester &plastic co.,ltd Company Profile

The headquarters of Jiangyin Feiyu Polyester & Plastic Co., Ltd. established in 1996 is located in Mazhen, Jiangyin city. The premises cover 20,000 square meters, 15,000 square meters of which contains our factory and main buildings. our company is specialized in manufacturing PVC profiles, PVC windows, and PVC pipe. Outputting 30,000 tons of PVC profiles annually, we are also supplying 50,000 square meters of finished PVC windows, as well as 5,000 tons of PVC pipe every year. Our products are exported to many countries such as Romania, India, Thailand, Myanmar, Iraq etc. The sales to overseas clients currently occupy 70% of our total turnover. We have a large range of different models to choose from, including but not limited to 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 88, 95 series PVC profiles. Custom designs are always available, according to the customers' specific requirements. We aim to provide our customers with a truly exceptional service you can always rely on. We believe in stability and proven performance on both products and business corporation.

jiangyin feiyu polyester &plastic co.,ltd Products

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