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ISTANBUL MEHMET Turkish Manufacturers Companies Esenyurt Turkey

Adress: Koza mah 1691 sok, 5A blok, no:5 Esenyurt - İstanbul / Turkey Fax: +90 212 672 65 11


we have been manufacturing B20 handmade cymbals and exporting them around the world. a brief history about us is below:
At the age of nine Mehmet Tamdeger started to work for Mikhail Zilcan, grandson of Kerope Zildcan. Mikhail Zilcan and Kirkor Kucukyan taught them every aspect of this ancient Turkish art. Based on a history that stems back to the early 17th century. When Mehmet Tamdeger and his friend founded the Istanbul Cymbal Company in the early 1980s, they had over three decades of cymbal making experience. Mehmet and Agop named their company after the city that has been home to the epitome of high quality cymbals for many, many years: Istanbul. After his colleague's unexpected death in July 1996, Mehmet decided to continue the production of cymbals under his own name Istanbul Mehmet. A lot has changed since then, but his belief in the richness and the character of a handmade cymbal will always remain. Machines dont have ears. That is why we continue to make our cymbals according to the ancient tradition - with an open eye towards the music that is being made now, and in the future.


  • cymbal set
  • cymbals
  • musical enstrument
  • musical enstruments
  • tribute cymbals
  • xperience

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