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GRAND S.S Turkish Manufacturers Companies Çin Turkey

Adress: Heng Gang Industrial Zone, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, P.R.O.China Fax: 86.757.83138765

GRAND S.S Company Profile

WESTMETAL | Grand S.S. established at 1962 ,is one of the largest stainless steel suppliers in southern China. Nowadays WESTMETAL has become one of the key players in the global industry . We mainly manufacture for the following materials:

Cold rolled stainless steel coil/ Sheet/ Strip (Prime Standard)
Grade: 410/430/304/316/201/202
Width: any-1250mm (410/430/304/201) any-610mm (316/202)
Finish of Surface: 2B/ CHINA BA/ EURO BA etc

We can slit coils into customers’ requested dimension. Normally it takes approximately 7 days to undergo manufacture process according the purchase order of each 50mt. Photographs and mill certificate are available for each coil/pieces upon request.

GRAND S.S Products

  • cold roll stainless steel

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