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GOBRATES GROUP LIMITED Turkish Manufacturers Companies Çin Turkey

Adress: Suite 610-614 , Building-C. No.99 Ren-Ai Road. Industrial Park,Suzhou,Jiangsu. 215123 | China Fax: 86-512-65479770


Best Logistics service from China to Worldwide. This is Wendy from Gobrates Group Limited.
I'm so glad to write you here. If you want to import something from China by air or export something to China by air. I'm the very air rates platform who can supply you the best service in China.

We have many IATA members in our platform. We can do the services as LCL Cargo, Air Cargo, Express, Carrier, Warehouse and Local Transportation services in China to all over the world.

And, our members have many famous leading air lines, such as Maersk, APL, CMA, EMC, MSC, OOCL, COSCO, CHINA SHIPPING, CA, CX, SQ, KU, ZH, KE, EY etc. So you can easily gain space allocation even in peak seasons. This will guarantee the effectiveness and efficiency of your lading. And you will gain lower price and reduce your cost.

Our staff are very responsible for your service. any enquires will be handled within 24 hours. On top of the high quality services we provide, and you can get a competitive price in all our members.

If you have any enquires, please contact us freely, we would be happy to be of any help. And your reply will attract our special attention.


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