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Eko Egitim Arac Gerec Mobilya Reklamcilik San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. Established in 1997, begun with the production of Wood puzzle and wood mind games, pre-school, school and other educational tools also furnitures added to the production range in years, it conducts sales and distribution organization in Turkey's market. Eko Egitim Araclari than take place in the overseas market, marketing the products produced, manufactured under the brand names ECO, EDUCOCUK and PLAYKIDS.Eko Egitim Araclari are one of Turkey's leading company in pre-school education tools designed in his own, manufacturing boutique school furniture by using modern production technology .Our factory, which has 3300m2 closed area equipped with the latest technology, has a unique status with high customer satisfaction and quality.Improve in daily bases ourselves to follow the new technologies to improve and increase investment. Eko Egitim Araclari are among the companies that have a pre-school needs.We are moving forward in confidence to our goals .
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