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DONGGUAN DONGZE COATING TOOLS CO. LTD. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Çin Turkey

Adress: No. A111, Shifu Hardware Square, Wusha, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China Fax: +86-76982756656


MANOLI machinery, is an enterprise which professionally manufactures high-end air spray guns with advanced technology, first-class machines, perfect management, high quality after-sales service and a professional research and development team. The company offers customers high quality spray guns and professional solutions to painting, aiming at the concept, “Devoting herself to create high-end air spray guns”.
“MANOLI” is the main brand of MANOLI machinery which also focuses on a diversity of products and customized OEM products. As required, develop special products for our customers, such as ceramic spray guns with a special process needle and nozzle set, Teflon spray gun with a needle and nozzle made of special alloy, anti-fingerprint spray guns and highly anti-corrosion stainless steel spray guns.
Dongguan Dongze Coating Tools Co., Ltd., located in Chang’an Town, Dongguan City, China, is subordinate to MANOLI machinery. As an industrial finish all-around service provider, Dongze is in charge of selling all painting machines, tools and consumable items of MANOLI machinery, such as air spray guns, pneumatic double pumps, pressure tanks, agitators, fluid hoses and air hoses. We supply not only products, but also superior services and professional solutions. With the core idea, “Gain a good reputation with integrity and develop with high quality”, she shows her international enterprise’s characteristics, perseveres and struggles to have the faith, sincerely cooperates with domestic and overseas customers and offers superior products and services.
In the quickly changeable twenty-first century, especially in the increasingly competitive circumstance, as always, we insist on professional technology and considerate service, endeavor to meet the demand of customers and aim at exceeding customers’ demands to make the company develop, grow and have a glorious future.


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