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DEMSAS BATHROOM KITCHEN FURN. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Edep Street No: 52 Tr-81250 Yukarı Dudullu – Istanbul, Turkey


The kitchen is the central living space in any flat or house. It acts as the occupants visiting card, with the quality of the interior fittings reflecting their user’s quality of life. Whether the style is functional or imposing, Demsas offers an individual solution to suit your budget for every floor plan and any room size.Specialist kitchen shops are supplied with our high-quality products and they will plan your personal dream kitchen for you, tailored to your needs and requirements.

Currently, the quality of Demsas decorates more than 20 thousand housing estates and hundred of thousands retail customer’s houses and adds value to their home. Our experienced staff of architects and developed computer programs to produce projects and computer-aided manufacturing is customized with the latest technology machines.

Additionally, kitchen and bathroom industry’s leading company in Germany, and daily production capacity of approximately 500 kitchens is Turkey distributor of Bauformat is Demsas; as well as demands of domestic production, offers over 100 items in the imported alternatives.

The foremost principle is adopted by Demsas is to use all it’s resources toward the customers expectations and needs. Cooperation is the key to success for steady, profitable growth. As well as the commitment demonstrated by every single Demsas employe, a highly qualified sales team also supports the specialist shops in looking after customers. Furthermore, visionary thinking is another component of our corporate philosophy: the constant search for new opportunities and materials to optimize and improve our product. That’s what our team is engaged in, day after day.


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