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The humankind, being the part of the naturesince the beginning of his existence, is theonly creature who compels nature to which hebelongs, to show a change upon his own liferequirements.However, no matter what he does, he alsohas the motive of satisfying the need that hefeels towards the natural, intrinsically. In ourday, this need which is necessary for humanhealth, has turned into a luxury consumption.Wood is the most favourite material in theusage of the natural products for luxury, due toits breathing and continuing to live. In our day,so many trees are being cut for meeting theneed of spatial luxury.Starting from this point, since the yearof 1985, we aimed to develop ouracquaintanceship and communication withwood, to obtain more product with lesstree, to be able to use the wood with all itsnaturalness in both interior and the exteriorspaces in a way providing it to endureagainst the most compelling conditions.Because, according to us, the tree shouldhave been cut for only medicine. Today;we’re living the pride of presenting thetechnological wood, which is unique andwhich we have obtained from 100% naturaltrees, under the trademark of Technowood.
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