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Akmeda Medikal which is active in the disposable medical textile production sector, successfully provides services in this sector.Our company , which carries out its activities onits factory established on a total area of 2000 m ;1500 m closed and 500 m open area inAnkara Ostim Organized Industrial Zone,has a production capacity of 250.000 DisposableDrape Sets and 1.500.000 Disposable Gownsper year with the product brand of Medicotex.Production Line of Our CompanyFully Automatic Fabric Spreading Machine (Width : 240cm) Fully Automatic Fabric Cutting Machine (Width : 240 cm) Ultrasonic Sewing MachinesOverlock MachinesConventional Sewing MachinesETO Sterilization Machines (15.000 lt. Capacity)Clean Room (Compliance with Class 100.000 Standard)
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