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AKBASLAR TEKSTIL A.S. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Bursa Turkey

Adress: Atatürk Cad. No:169 Gürsubursa, Turkey Fax: 00902242802525


The Akbaslar Group Of Companies established by Erol AKBAS in 1962

entered into its 42th year with fresh initiatives.

42 year at the sector...

The first steps taken herein for the institutionalisation of the Company were realized in 1982. From 1984 onward, however, the group that was turned into an integrated establishment increased its preferability through its active service network set up accordingly in addition to quality and price advantages.

The Akbaslar Group of Companies providing services in the fields of Yarn, Woven fabric, Dyeing-Printing, Ready-made clothing business, Food and Tourism has taken part among the companies with precedence both in domestic and foreign markets since the beginning of 1990s.

The primary objective of the Akbaslar Group of Companies unifying a unique experience of 42 years with the excitement of the first day is

to make its external initiatives gain momentum and the name of Turkey be heard throughout the world in the 21st century.

The Akbaslar Group of Companies known and described as reputable, reliable, courageous and innovative in investment within its sector , continues to conduct its works with a wide-range of vision and fundamental mission.

Polyester yarns, texturised yarns, ready wear, woven and knitted fabrics


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