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ABACI KART SAN. TIC. A.S. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Yeşilce Mah. Çelik Sok No.69/2 Seyrantepe Kağıthane, Turkey Fax: +90 212 3243403

ABACI KART SAN. TIC. A.S. Company Profile

ABACICARD A.$ is the first company to produce plastic cards since 1986. In 1992 due to demand from PTT; ABACICARD traded magnetic paid phone cards and delivered to PTT. To produce such magnetic and phone cards ABACICARD built a 2000square feet factory and started business with 60 personnel in KARTAL- ISTANBUL Since 1996 ABACICARD delivered more than 250.000.000 cards via contract or direct order from Turk Telekom A.S (former PTT). ABACICARD is the first company to produce scratch off cards; pre paid cards in Turkey. ABACICARD is still the only and the first Turkish company trading cards to Holland; Germany; Endonesia; Gabon; Kuwait and Azerbaijan.


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