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KAR-YAPI Turkish Manufacturers Companies Antalya Turkey

Adress: Office :Etiler Mah.Antalya Factory: Dosemealtı Antalya, Turkey

KAR-YAPI Company Profile

Our firm KAR-YAPI , which is within the body of , and our brands; KAR-SIS, KAR-POL, KAR-MIKS and KAR-SHOP are engaged in decoration, insulation, package, building chemicals and online sale.
In addition to decoration products such as Ready-to-use Carton-Pierre, EPS Ceiling Plate, Ceiling Centers, Patterned Carton-Pierre, Exterior Wall Jamb, Windowsill, Side-Coating, Column, Stand, Aplique, Flying Buttress, which contain XPS and EPS raw material and are produced with CNC or Injection technology; Thermal Sheathing, Filler Block, Panel Products can also be included in the insulation group.

Our firm, which focused its R&D researches on the package group in accordance with the increasing demand, has strengthened its portfolio by offering EPS Viol, Vegetable and Fruit Cases, Marble Boxes and special products for the firms. We aim to produce all the products we need by keeping the external dependence at minimum and in correlation with this aim we have established the building chemicals factory and indexed the production of exterior coating to automation. Again with the production of ready-to-use plaster, adherence increasing agent, thermal sheathing plaster and powder adhesive, our firm became one of the experts in the sector.

KAR-YAPI Products

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