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GOKKUSAGI FURNITURE Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Masko Mobilyacılar Sitesi Ziya Gökalp Mah. Masko San. Sit. 9-A No: 1 İkitelli / İstanbul, Turkey Fax: 0212 675 25 91


Customer satisfaction and quality is a principle for Gokkusagi Furniture. From its establishment to today, our Company becomes a wholesale and retail distribution marketing company with its ever developing, changing and growing structure. As Gokkusagi Mobilya, we are attentive to Total Quality Management principle that is the foundation of our Company’s quality perception for every aspect of our products from production to distribution.

As Gokkusagi Furniture, in accordance with the customer satisfaction and quality principles we are elaborate to ensure our products that we offer our valued customers to be safe, high quality and within line with the European standards while also being attentive on the appropriate price.


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