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FM MONTE Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: İzmir, Turkey Fax: +902322816760

FM MONTE Company Profile

Dogus Sehpa Imalat San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. established in 1965 It has been located in Izmir, Turkey. Dogus Sehpa has producing modern lines wood trestle, mixed of wood, glass and chromium trestle with 42 years of experience, to sell domestic dealers, Middle East and European markets. Today Dogus Sehpa has provided employment for 50 people and makes production using high technology in his new building that located on 10.000 m2 area which have closed area of 5.500 m2 in this factory. Our company has approximately 4000 pieces of monthly production capacities. Our goal is, taking advantage of technological advanced to, will be able to present more contemporary and high quality products to our valuable customers.

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