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CETINKAYA APRICOT Turkish Manufacturers Companies Malatya Turkey

Adress: Hasircilar Beldesi Battalgazi- Malatya- Turkey Fax: +904228461080


Ramazan Cetinkaya Apricot is one of the leading dried apricot manufacturers and exporters from Malatya/TURKEY. Ramazan Cetinkaya is in business since 1991.

Our company and factory plant located in Malatya, which best quality apricots grown of the world. We certified by ISO9001 and HACCP. Also we have our own orchards to keep quality and best prices for our customers.

Our production technology has gradually progressed from traditional techniques into and advanced, modern operation. We produce sulphured, naturel, industrial and diced apricots. We have capacity to supply 15.000 ton dried apricots per year.


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