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ADKUR GIDA A.S. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Akdeniz Turkey


ADKUR GIDA A.S. Company Profile

ADKUR Gida has been operating in the sector with its high quality wide range of products in the field of nut, confectionery, coffee and dried fruits in its approximately 4000m2 - factory in Mersin.
The production process starting with raw material quality control continues through the stages of screening, sorting, roasting and cooking, and they are packed with fully automatic machines without touching human hands. The production has been certified with quality management system certificates by adopting hygiene, health and quality criteria under the control of food engineers. BRC certification started as of 2019.
ADKUR Gida contributes to the national economy by exporting to many countries of the world with its registered brands “ADIL” and “BOLCEREZ” in the nut group, “KIRKFINCAN” in the coffee group and “ADILE HANIM” in the confectionery product group in line with the developing technology and increasing demands. It has become one of the leading companies in the sector with 13 years of experience.
ADKUR Food continues to work to provide better service to its valuable customers to maximize customer satisfaction with its expert staff, assertive product groups and reliable brands.

ADKUR GIDA A.S. Products

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