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ADAS A.S. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: 10001 Sok. No:10 Aosb Çiğli İzmir, Turkey Fax: 02323767448

ADAS A.S. Company Profile

ADAS is a leading manufacturer in the durable consumer goods sector and operates at its own premises of 5000 sq.m situated in Ataturk Organized Industry Zone in Izmir, one of the modern of its kind in Turkey.
Since 1971, when set out manufacture its first item at a moderate workshop with limited facilities , ADAS has constantly improved its production facilities and product spectrum.
The leading principles of ADAS carries production to art quality to tradition hence setting the bar always higher in making quality and innovative products some of which are enclosed here. Our primary aim is to maintain an ever lasting customer satisfaction for those using our comfortable products.
While keeping our commitment to customer satisfaction, protection nature and leadership in fashionable quality products, we wish to reach further targets hand in hand with valuable partners appreciating their customers.

ADAS A.S. Products

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